The Malama Med Spa project is moving right along. The past couple of weeks have been spent working on the floor plan. This is a 4200 square foot project. It has been no small task. The basic exterior was provided and after being pulled into AutoCad, the space planning began. There were some specifics provided, such as an entry and book keepers office that would not exceed 400 sq. ft., but then there were more ambiguous instructions, leaving it up to the designers to figure out what the Helf's might desire in the most creative ways they could.

The residence, being around 1000 sq. ft. had to fit into this plan while keeping in mind that all sleeping areas must include a window. This provided to be quite challenging, because most wanted to put this space where another exterior door was already provided. In the Spotted Spaniel's plan the residence ended up towards the back, or the southern side of the floor plan. Given this spot, it provided plenty of windows and light, which were also met to an extent on the spa side in the rest area, front lobby and the exercise area.

Skylights were also given to the rest area, as well as the pool. There were several special features that were attended to, such as a circular skylight above the dining and kitchen area that is surrounded by greenery. In addition to the skylights were feature walls in the master bath, pool area and corridor of the day spa. These walls included items such as juniper wood, rocks, bamboo and greenery.

Once space planning was successfully accomplished the files were imported into Photoshop where the color rendering took place. This gives the plans a completed and distinguished look. There is a smooth blend of materials and colors extending from the day spa to the residence. The Helf's desire to have a natural and holistic atmosphere has been well met!

Week 8 of Residential Design 231 entailed a personality evaluation. Each student was required to take the Myers Brigg's Type Indicator personality test. The results of the test were then to be used to determine the space and style of the office or living room of the fall project.

I was an EITP. E-Extrovert: these types tend to like open furniture arrangements, group seating and can multi-task easily. They are very outgoing in nature and have never met a stranger. I-Intuitive: this personality type is creative, likes more complicated environments and focuses on the big picture, rather than details. T-Thinker: this person is not afraid to debate or question your work and they will analyze all aspects before making a decision. They are usually fair, honest and direct and have considered all angles before making a decision. P-Perceiver: this type tends to embrace creativity and innovation. Their design is usually playful and unconventional. They have difficulty making decisions and like keeping their options open.

It is important for a designer to know the personalities of their clients. This effort will lessen stress and make communication and desired goals more achievable. Design may seem simple to some, but it is actually a reflection of a persons inner self and values.

Here are the space plan and selections for Natalie Ethridge's Key West living room based on "my" personality results.

The foyer/entry of Natalie Ethridge's Key West home is by far my favorite. It provides an inviting atmosphere along with a vibrant tone that reflects Natalie's personality. I have uploaded the selections for readers to view!

This Fall, Lazzaro Leather sponsored a design competition that was open to college and university students. The theme for the contest was "Places & Spaces".   It allowed contestants to intermingle ideas of travel with that of design. Three $500 awards were given and winners will be honored at this weeks High Point Furniture Market.

The rules of the contest were not very constricting, but did include 1) The use of Lazzaro furniture along with the designers own choices of FF&E to create an interior room or setting that would showcase a specific destination. 2) Allowance to submit as many drawings, renderings, original plans and photos that they deemed necessary to relay their concept. 3) All files uploaded in digital format.

The following is my entry:

Students of Residential Design 231 have been asked to have their "design firm" space plan, select new furnishings and accessories for a floor plan that has been provided for them. The entire area will be space planned but only the entry, office, living room, master bedroom and guest room must have FF&E selected.

Spotted Spaniel will be assisting Natalie Ethridge, an retired attorney, who has had a vacation home in the Florida Keys for 20 years. With the recent loss of her husband, Natalie has purchased a new home where she plans to start her new life after retirement. She loves to travel, enjoys spending much time outdoors, reading and stitching, and has a small dog, Max, whom has been traveling to the Keys for the last 3 years.

Natalie's new home is located in Key West and hopes to reflect the style of the original Key West homes by using tongue and groove on most of the interior walls. Natalie would also like to use natural materials, such as grass-cloth and hardwood flooring. Tying these individual elements together will be vibrant pops of color that are indigenous to the more modern Key West atmosphere.

Spotted Spaniel is excited about the progress of this project and will be sure to keep readers updated.

The following are examples provided to the students of the exterior and interior home they have to work with:



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